Olivia's Wellness Studio

Are you ready for change?

Hello You!

If you made it here you are interested in joining my Wellness Studio
The pandemic left most of us flat out both physically and mentally, as the lockdown
measures it can cause us to allow our fitness and nutrition slip. As a doctor I have seen the a
sharp rise in Chronic illnesses.
It’s time to get back on track, set some goals and dial them in from the comfort of your
home or wherever you most like to workout! I am going to help you lose 5-10 pounds in
your first three weeks, while creating healthy habits over the course of a year that lasts a
lifetime! This group is more than just fitness. It’s about community, creating healthy habits
for a lifestyle, self-love and confidence! In return, all that I ask is that you are ready to give
this your all and are truly ready for CHANGE! It requires HARD WORK but the results are
priceless! Time to look and feel your best again!

Customized training routine

I am going to teach you that working out is fun! Whether you want to workout at home or in
the gym, my virtual gym will be perfectly customised for your goals and physique desires!
Our training programs incorporate resistance training, cardio, upper body, lower body and
pilates! Your workout will range from 30-60 minutes long which is designed to fit into your
life, not the other way around! You’ll have instant access to your streamable workouts from
your laptop, mobile phone or smart TV! You and I will work 1:1 to determine which program
is going to be the best for you! Once you have completed your specific training program, we
will take things up notch and get you started on your next training routine so that you are
constantly progressing!

A simple clean eating meal plan

When it comes to eating healthy, one of the biggest misconceptions is that you aren’t going
to enjoy your meals and that you’re going to feel restricted! I’m here to tell you that this just
isn’t true! Carbs are life and I’ll teach you how to eat declicious foods while still reaching
your goals! You will be following an easy to follow nutrition guide that will teach you how to
eat the correct portion sizes for you and your personal goals. You will learn food freedom
and nutrition habits that you can truly stick with for the rest of your life! You’ll also have
access to hundreds of clean recipes + healthy inspired recipe ideas to keep you feeling lean
and fuelled!

Support and community

While we all know that eating healthy and working out is good for us, why is it that so many
of us don’t see it through and fall back into our old unhealthy habits? Lack of community.
Let me tell you, community and having a tribe of women going through this journey with

you is the game changer between those who see results and those who don’t. Which is why
I have created my private online community where we check in with your workout daily +
hold each other accountable! As my client, you will have lifetime access to my private



“Okay, I’m ready! What do I get when I join?”

So there are multiple package options that come with different tools to help you along your
journey! But here are the basics you will get no matter what package you choose!
2 Nutrition Course: As mentioned before, we are going to ensure that you are eating the
correct portion sizes for you and your goals in a way that simplifies your eating & is not
about diets or quikc fixes. You will learn to properly fuel your body for results without giving
up the things you love! Access to our “netflix of fitness” AKA virtual workouts for an entire
year! We will work 1:1 to ensure that you are following a training routine that is specific to
you! Once you have completed your training routine, we will start you on a new one that
continuously keeps you progressing! This isn’t just a one workout type of deal, this is a
lifetime! Wall calendar: You will check off your workout each day as it is completed! There’s
truly no better feeling that marking off your final day!
Nutritional supplements: Depending which package you decide is going to be best for you,
there will be a different variety of nutritional supplements included! Superfood shakes, pre
workout, post workout, clean protein bars for snacking etc! All of my favorite things that I
can’t live without!
Full access to our Wellness studio: This is my favourite part. This is where we will post daily
check ins to keep you motivated, inspired and held accountable! You will also see all the
other ladies in my groups sharing recipes, workouts, asking questions and making this
journey so much fun. There is so much power in seeing other women show up, get it done
and motivate each other through this journey.

1:1 coaching with me: You and I will be working closely together to ensure that you are
getting the results that you want. On top of our daily checks in within our private
community, I also do private checks ins with you You are able to contact me when you need.
My job is to motivate, inspire and keep you smashing your goals! You are never alone on
this journey.
A week of prep: We will spend the week before official kick off getting you prepped and
ready to go! We will chat all things equipment, meal prep, our best tips and tricks to have
the most success with your programs to ensure you are all set and ready to go!
If you are interested in more information, fill out the form below so I can get learn more
about you + send you different package options and recommendations depending on your
goals. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response